اقدام به (کاری) کردن


1 Law:: [N.B. in Persian always followed by a gerund or noun indicating some action, اقدام in all such cases having at once three semantic or grammatical functions : a. acting as an almost neutral word without substantially changing the meaning of the verb or other word that follows it, eg اقدام به سرقت robbery, and more often, ‘attempted robbery’, اقدام به فروش : sell or attempt to sell, اقدام به سفارش place, placing an order • placement of an order b. denoting the idea of ‘beginning to’, eg اقدام به اعتراض to contest or ‘begin’ to contest, and again more properly ‘attempt to contest’ c. denoting or implying the idea of abortiveness, or some degree of abortiveness اقدام به خشونت attempted violence اقدام به قتل attempted murder اقدام به خودكشي attempted suicide. In translating from English to Persian the word ‘attempted’ (as an adjective) is frequently translated into ‹نافرجام› eg attempted coup كودتاي نافرجام - attempted escape فرار نافرجام ]

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

معنی‌های پیشنهادی کاربران

علی علیمردانی 13 بهمن 1399
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